Wallpaper set (2022)

0 ratings

This item is for donation to the GroundbreakinG project. You can download the wallpaper set of "GroundbreakinG - BOFXVII COMPILATION ALBUM" if you support it.


Images size: 4K (3840 x 2160), Full HD (1920 x 1080), iPhone6,7,8,SE (375 x 667), iPhone6,7,8,SE@2x (750 x 1334), iPhoneX,Xs,11,12 (375 x 812), iPhoneX,Xs,11,12@2x (750 x 1624)

All the money collected will be used for the continued activities and management of GroundbreakinG projects. (by all the GroundbreakinG staff)


Wallpaper images
Full HD, 4K, iPhone8, iPhoneXs, iPhone8 (x2), iPhoneXs (x2)
5.23 MB
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Wallpaper set (2022)

0 ratings